
The series focused on the Los Angeles Lakers will debut in April.

Traci was a notable member of the Braxton Family Values reality television series and released a charting solo project just a few years ago.

Tami Roman took to Instagram to reveal that she's just done the big chop!

Drake debuted his new hairstyle over the weekend and sent the internet into a frenzy with his latest 'do.

Black Female Songwriters Dominating The Industry When listening to your favorite songs and reciting the lyrics word for word, it may shock you to find that the powerful pen behind the music is a Black woman.  Many of the top charting records over the last decade were written by women in music, and they need […]

Traci Braxton, the singer, and member of the famous Braxton Family passed away on Friday (March 11th) after a bout with cancer.

Toni Braxton has taken to Instagram to release a statement on the passing of her sister, Traci, telling followers that "we will miss her dearly."

Traci Braxton's son, Kevin Jr., took to Instagram to release a statement on his mother's passing, writing, "I love you ma, I’m going to miss you."

We're saddened to report the passing of Traci Braxton who has died from cancer at age 50.

Written and directed by Anatola Araba, "Afro-Algorithms" is a visually stunning exploration into alternatives to addressing algorithmic bias. Â