
HBCUs that experienced bomb threats could apply for grant funds and other resources as a part of the Project School Emergency Response to Violence (Project SERV) program, the Department of Education announced.


U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon ruled that Omarosa Manigault Newman is still on the hook for more than $61k for failing to file financial information required by all White House staffers who leave or are terminated from their positions.

Monica Cannon-Grant, CEO and founder of the nonprofit Violence in Boston, found that out the hard way after she and her husband were indicted then charged with federal fraud crimes. The


During an appearance at an event at Sugar Hill Church in Sugar Hill, Ga., Herschel Walker challenged the theory of evolution by asking, “At one time, science said man came from apes. Did it not?” and "If that is true, why are there still apes?"

Xerox CEO Ursula Burns argued that working moms shouldn't be expected to do it all in today's society.


During the "lesson" at J.S. Waters School in Goldston, North Carolina, Black students were reportedly "sold" by white students presumably to demonstrate what went on during the trans-Atlantic slave trade. But why, though?


Now-former Democratic party deputy treasurer Barbara Goldberg Goldman stepped down following an email she wrote to party members questioning whether Maryland could successfully elect a Black candidate for governor.


Gerald Brevard III has been reportedly identified as the prime suspect arrested after a string of killings of homeless people in New York City and Washington, D.C., following nearly two harrowing weeks of what's been described as deliberate targeting.

A White couple gave birth to two Black twin girls using in vitro fertilization. Internet onlookers are outraged after realizing the couple specifically chose two Black embryos and Black sperm to have the children. Read more details and reactions inside.

The professional troll took to Twitter last week to cry about the way Russians are being treated in America over their Invasion of Ukraine.