
From candidates for Congress to the U.S. Senate, a change in the balance of power on Capitol Hill is looming large in certain pockets of America depending on how the down-ballot elections turn out.


Pennsylvania law enforcement officials said they’re preparing for a worst-case scenario in locations where people are most concerned about militias and hate groups intimidation voters at the polls.


The solution now for people who are missing their ballots is to go to their clerk’s office and pick one up.

It wasn't just that Allen West defended a caravan of pro-Trump truck drivers surrounding a Biden campaign bus in an apparent act of intimidation. How he defended it matters too.

The potential of violence is threatening to further divide the United States of America ahead of one of the most consequential presidential elections in modern history.

Just days ahead of the election, California Sen. Maxine Waters had some choice words for Black voters intending to cast ballots for Donald Trump.


Candace Owens inexplicably suggested that Lil Wayne's endorsement of Donald Trump lends credence to her decidedly failed so-called "Blexit" campaign to purge Black voters from the Democratic Party.

After Lil Wayne's stunning endorsement of Trump, we may continue to see more rappers come out and support the president's re-election campaign. However, it seems pretty safe to assume that ASAP Rocky will not be one of them.

Older Black voters are not just making a serious difference at the ballot box, but they're also doing so to historic proportions in key battleground states that are crucial to the election's outcome.

The killing of Walter Wallace Jr. was the latest installment in a timeline of terror perpetrated by the Philadelphia Police Department, which has a substantial history of brutality, corruption and overall malfeasance.