

Rachel Dolezal discovered being a Black woman and a white man was caught on video boasting about settling Brooklyn. These are just a few examples of things that have been "Columbused" in recent years.

Kamala Harris will likely find herself walking a tightrope of sorts during her questioning of Amy Coney Barrett at the judge’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee.


If you think the presidential election will be decided before your bedtime on Nov. 3rd, you might be in for quite a disappointment.

Some on Twitter are calling the Chicago superstar's campaign efforts disruptive to the upcoming presidential election.

The university is investigating the allegations stemming from separate incidents in 2015 and during the 2016-17 season respectively.

Eighty-five percent of Trump's Senate-confirmed U.S attorneys are white men according to a study published by The Associated Press.

For folks thinking that Tory Lanez was out of the fire already you might want to pump your brakes. According to reports he has officially been charged in relations to the Megan Thee Stallion shooting. Yikes!! He’s facing up to 22 years in prison if convicted on all the charges. Full list of charges and […]

Pretty Ricky member Diamond Blue Smith aka Baby Blue is in some serious trouble according to reports. Reports say that he was arrested on charges relating to a $24 million PPP loan scam. It’s said that he used economic relief funds to buy a Ferrari and other luxury items. He’s also being charged for allegedly forging […]

Officer Joseph Mensah, who has shot and killed two others before Alvin Cole, was recommended to be fired by an independent investigator.

With talks of a new stimulus bill eradicated from the conversation, a new poll heaves almost equal blame on President Donald Trump and Democrats.