

Large protests are expected on Tuesday in opposition to an executive order signed by President Donald Trump to advance the Dakota Access Pipeline and the Keystone XL pipeline.


Roe v. Wade has never truly been reality for those on Medicaid. Rights should not be doled out based on whether or not you can afford them.


Trump signed three executive actions on Monday afternoon, including withdrawing the U.S. from the Trans Pacific-Partnership deal, a freeze on federal hiring and an order that bars foreign aid recipients or non-governmental agencies from supporting abortion.


Sprint acquired 33 percent of TIDAL which offers Sprint's CEO, Marcelo Claure, a seat on TIDAL's board of directors.


Self-avowed racist Richard Spencer was punched in the face by a protester during an on-camera interview following Donald Trump's inauguration.


During his first full day in office, President Trump saw more than 1 million people participate in coordinated women's marches in cities around the country and the world.

Among the thousands were Angela Davis, Alicia Keys, the Mothers of the Movement, and more — who all provided priceless moments to remember.

The rally will still continue, Chicago Tribune reports.


Yesterday’s inauguration was an emotional rollercoaster, and many had a hard time stomaching the sight of our valorous outgoing president shake hands and smile with Orange Creamsicle that has taken over the Oval Office. While the Obamas’ grace was certainly admirable, nobody would’ve blamed them for mean-mugging and side-eyeing their way through the entire ceremony. […]


Civil rights activists fear the outcome of a DOJ probe into Freddie Gray’s case under the Trump administration.