Kim Kardashian was reportedly robbed at gunpoint during her stay in a private Parisian mansion.

Kim Kardashian's ex-stepbrother, by way of Caitlyn Jenner, saw fit to hop on Instagram and show the world just how racist and deeply unwoke he is.


Kim Kardashian revealed that she may have her sights set on new ventures.

Kim Kardashian's motto for life should be "If something isn't broke, don't fix it."


Kim Kardashian is the queen of selfies, we all know that, but what is truly surprising — shocking, actually — is how dedicated she is to her craft. The reality star and Selfish author shared exactly how many selfies she took on a four day vacation to Mexico, and the number is literally astounding. By […]


  Kim Kardashian is on the cover of yet another magazine, but this time she’s not in her usual state of undress. To change things up from her usual “break the internet“-style nudes, the reality star decided to take a chance with a new look we can only describe as “soccer mom chic” for Wonderland […]


With parents like Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, did we expect their daughter North to be anything less than a total fashionista? Looks like the three-year-old is getting an early start on her collection of luxury accessories, adding a brand-new kid-sized Louis Vuitton handbag to her closet. Paparazzi caught her casually holding the handbag while […]