Vandals protesting Winthrop University’s Tillman Hall hung black stuffed stockings from a tree outside the building on Sunday afternoon, the Rock Hill Herald reported. Tillman Hall is named after former SC Governor Benjamin Tillman, a known white supremacist who advocated lynching Blacks who tried to vote. Rock Hill Police Officers found “numerous” black stockings hanging […]

A small group of students at Royal Oak Middle School in Detroit, Michigan broke out into chants of “Build the wall” the day after the election.


The day after Tuesday's election, a seemingly record number of racial incidents were captured by social media users.

Reid weaves in and out of personal narrative to express his contempt for Trump and his rhetoric that has severely frightened a majority of minorities, including African-Americans, the LGBT community, Muslims, Mexicans and women.

Anti-racism protesters rally at the U.S. embassy in London against Donald Trump's victory. The demonstrators accuse Trump of normalizing hatred.


One of the presidential candidate's fans became extremely aggressive during a fit of road rage.


David Duke made his way over to Dillard University in New Orleans to participate in a debate against other candidates running for a spot on the Louisiana Senate, and his presence was immediately protested.

Lil Wayne totally dismissed Black Lives Matter––here's how Twitter responded.


Lil Wayne totally dismissed Black Lives Matter––here's how Twitter responded.