
Former television judge Joe Brown has been banned from practicing law in the state of Tennessee. The state Supreme Court ordered that Brown be placed on an inactive status that would prevent him from overseeing legal matters. According to reports, Brown is battling type II diabetes and is suffering from the “effects of prescribed medication […]


Chicago-based Johnson Publishing has decided to sell Ebony and Jet Magazines to the Clear View Group in Austin, Texas.


Watch the video above to see how these stars made their millions.

With Kobe Bryant's last game on the horizon, Apple took some time to praise the Black Mamba, and poke a bit of fun at the same time.


We've seen Taylor Swift awkwardly dance around during award shows, but this new commercial takes awkward to a new level.

FLOTUS chimed in on the emoji conversation following feminine brand Always' ad campaign to encourage confidence in young women with their campaign "Like A Girl."

Geeky, but cool at the same time, we're not surprised to find out Apple was behind the infectious dance visual.