Three first graders in Alaska were suspended last week after allegedly planning to poison and kill one of their classmates, plus more

After sharing a special photo on Twitter, a Black woman was trolled with a photo of a young man wearing Nutella as blackface.

After sharing a special photo on Twitter, a Black woman was trolled with a photo of a young man wearing Nutella as blackface.


"It’s so contradictory to who we are and who we want to be," Ruff said, addressing the "wigga"-themed festivities. "Wigga," a combination of White and the n-word, is often used to refer to White people "acting Black" or irresponsibly appropriating Black dress and culture.

Hungarian journalist Boglarka Balogh is receiving unwanted attention on social media after wearing blackface to make people aware of the number of "endangered tribes, and the speed at which they are fading away," writes the Independent.