The famed producer/actor also offered some wise words about self-proclaimed vigilante George Zimmerman selling the gun he used to kill Trayvon Martin.

In an interview with The Daily Beast, Zimmerman says, “They didn’t raise their son right. He attacked a complete stranger and attempted to kill him."

The internet is a crazy place. Rumors spread like wildfire that Kendrick Lamar not only purchased the gun George Zimmerman used to shoot Trayvon Martin, but that the rapper also destroyed it onstage during one of his concerts. This is absolutely not true, according to the Orlando Sentinel. The story started when satirical site reported it alongside real accounts of George Zimmerman’s auction. The […]

A bidder driving the offer up identified themselves as Tamir Rice. And the top bidder's online name appeared to be "Racist McShootface."

When asked about Obama's vulnerable moment, Zimmerman called him a "piece of garbage" and claimed the president was faking his tears in an effort to create a dictatorship.