It seems everyone has their way of trying to play the system, especially if a nice check could be involved.

Plies says his homeboy called him the other day stressing about Donald Trump winning the 2016 Presidential election.  He says he isn’t stressing because God is his President.  

Being President is a tough job. It’s one of the only jobs where you get a new approval rating every day. Now that we have this thing called social media, the President gets hundreds of judgments every hour of every day, many of them unpleasant. For the second time, President Obama has agreed to read […]

Eddie Murphy was on Jimmy Kimmel Live recently and did one of the best Tracy Morgan’s impression.  Check it out below!

Kevin Hart aka Chocolate Drop challenged Meek Mill to a rap battle in vegas LOL.  Check it out and let us know who you think won.

  Here’s some of the funniest Jordan Memes from the Warriors VS Thunder Series.