Twitter immediately blasted Charles for his racist comments, with many unfollowing him and threatening to demand Cover Girl drop him.

The agency took to Twitter in an attempt to highlight African-American icon W.E.B Du Bois and misspelled his last name.


Americans can't get enough of using President Donald Trump's favorite form of communication – Twitter – against him.

Lauryn Hill has been pissing people off for the last few years with her persistent lateness.

Beyoncé made the big announcement on the first day of Black History Month.

Part one of The New Edition Story premiered last night on BET and Twitter had a lot to say. Check out our favorite reactions and tune into part two tonight at 9 p.m.

The day has come. Donald J. Trump is officially President of the United States of America. Here's Twitter's reaction.


Here's what happened when Twitter heard about Blake Griffin working on a "White Men Can't Jump" remake.

Tomi Lahren has been under fire in recent weeks for deleting most of the tweets from her college days.