
As the days go by, intrigue continues to shroud the death of former New Orleans Saint defensive end Will Smith, who died Saturday amid a hail of bullets after an altercation following a traffic accident.


The record for the most wins in a regular season was held for two decades by the 1995-1996 Chicago Bulls team. Former NBA player Michael Jordan released a statement: “I want to congratulate the Warriors on an amazing season,” he said. “The game of basketball is always evolving and records are made to be broken.”


Newly released surveillance video shows that former New Orleans Saints defensive end Will Smith may have been involved in a hit-and-run accident just before he was shot and killed Saturday night, according to Fox News.


There is no evidence that the gun was fired, police said. They released information about the finding Tuesday after an attorney for the man accused of shooting Smith hinted that a second gun at the scene made his client fear for his life.


Though there is little information to show the suspect, identified as Cardell Hayes, knew Will Smith prior to the shooting, something else links the two -- a New Orleans police officer.

Earlier this week, the heartbreaking news of former New Orleans Saint Will Smith's death during a road rage incident broke on the 'net.

With all he's accomplished in both music and film, it's no wonder the mega-star was presented with the Generation Award at the 2016 MTV Movie Awards.

Police say Smith and his wife were shot over a minor fender bender

Will's never been coy when it comes to helping the world attain success and love.